Heather Dorsch grew up in Gilberts, IL, and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Illustration from the American Academy of Art in Chicago, IL.  Her youthful fascinations with films such as The Exorcist, Dawn of the Dead, and Se7en began a lifelong love of horror and set her down a path of self-taught special FX makeup. Scifi, fantasy, and comic book influences also helped shape the artist she's become today. 

She was approached in 2011 by Brandon Sears and to form Death Maidens Studios, a horror pinup photography business.  Then, in late 2015, Brandon left Death Maidens and Heather formed Red Velvet FX and her work was photographed by Andrew Stopper of Dead Silent Productions. Heather also worked alongside fellow artists: Diana Fernandez, Ashley Simms, Katie Korby, and Kaitlyn Sears.

Heather's makeup work has appeared in a few short films by Jared Stepp and Brandon Sears and several Nightmare on Chicago Street promotional films by David Metzger and Jeff Kelley. Her work was also featured in the 2015 Nightmare from North Street haunted house.

During the pandemic Heather returned to Illustration and began painting with watercolor and gouache. Subjects ranging from Natural, plants and animals, to objects used in witchcraft spell work, to bones, skeletons, and even back to pinup horror.
Heather is available for commissions of paintings, products featuring her paintings, sculptures and miniatures, Special FX makeup Sessions, Photo Sessions, custom prosthetics and more.